
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ugh - I almost ate a bug

Our nice, relaxed summer has obviously been busy. I am continuing to run. Saturday morning my husband and I got up early and went to town. I wanted to run 3 miles, so he rode his bike with me and kept track of the distance. We went 3.17 miles, and it was actually very pleasant. I enjoyed having him with me; I think I would have run less had he not been there pushing me. Having company also makes it go faster. I was energized for the rest of the day, which was spent repainting my youngest daughter's room.

On Sunday, we went to church, and I continued working on Addison's bedroom. Once I start I get this HGTV mission going, so I ended up repainting dresser, and ordering new linens. She is 12, so we are giving her a more grown-up looking, without being 'girly'. So, after working like a mad-woman all day, we decided to run late Sunday.

Gary and I headed to the track at about 8:45. When we pulled up, there were several people there. We started our run together, but break off into our own paces. After about a mile, tragedy struck. Okay, to most people it wouldn't be tragedy, but I have a very weak stomach, and am easily nauseated. I was running along thinking about how far I would run that night, when I sucked a bug partway down my throat! The lady in front of my must have thought I was disgusting because the noise I made as I forced the bug out of my throat was loud - kind of like an old man hocking something up. Though the bug was dislodged from my throat, I could still taste it (it makes me gag just writing about it!), so I continued to gag, certain that I would eventually vomit. My husband was at the other end of the track, oblivious to my plight. I went off of the track to an area of grass just hoping no one was paying any attention to me. I guess no one was, but then again, if I had been having a heart attack, would they have just walked by?? So, once most of the bug taste was out of my mouth, I began running again - this time barely opening my mouth, especially under the lights! Lesson learned - when running at night keep your mouth closed as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading about the 'bug incident'. It kind of reminds me of the time Kenny was umpiring a Babe Ruth baseball tourney and was walking over to our home. Right under the lights a moth flew into his ear. What happened next? You guessed it! We had to go to he emergency room while the moth continued to 'flap' its wings while in Kenny's ear. Talk about strange...Thanks for your blog...didn't know it was here 'til it!
