
Monday, June 8, 2009

How long can I keep this up?

I can't even recall when I last posted. I found that I don't have much time on the weekends, so weekday posts will have to cover it all. Gary and I managed to bike 10 miles Friday evening, which was a challenge because we live in a small, hilly town. We had to circle the town twice, and we worked to avoid the big hills. Someday we hope to conquer Mozart Street and Tell Street, but we do know our limitations at this point.

Saturday turned out to be pretty busy, so we really had to make ourselves work in exercise. We were at the high school track at 10:00 pm running! Fortunately, we don't really have a social life, so it didn't cramp our style (just our legs). I actually like running late at night; it's very peaceful, and much cooler. I went to the track that evening with the intention of only running 2 miles because I really was tired. Once I had run 2 miles, Gary was still running, so I thought I might as well run 2 more laps, which would make it 2 1/2 miles. Of course, at that point I might as well go the rest of the way to complete the 3.1 miles since I am still contemplating running a 5K in 3 weeks. I did it - and felt terrific afterward. As I was running, I thought that I would just run until Gary stopped; he was thinking that he would run until I stopped. Good thing I finally stopped or we would have been there at 2:00 am both waiting for the other to quit!

Did I mention that my principal is now a runner? She is partly responsible for my new hobby. I had always used the very logical excuse that I was just too busy to exercise. Once I finished grad school I would begin. Well, here comes Mrs. Noble, who works long hours, and has three young boys, and she has begun running mini marathons. That made my excuse look really lame. Of course, I let her know that I was up to 3 miles (which doesn't compare to her 13.1), and she has suggested that we run one morning at 6:00. YIKES! I am going to try it; I do like a challenge. She runs 4-5 miles most mornings, sometimes more. I am not sure how I am going to pull that off without making a complete fool of myself, but who's out at that hour anyway??

The tennis game is coming along slowly. I really enjoy playing, but this morning it really wore me out. My daughter ran me all over, and being just slightly competive, I didn't want to look like a wimp.

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