
Friday, July 16, 2010

Vacation Running

Heading off for a summer vacation? Don't let that stop you from exercising or running! I have heard people say that they are going out of town and won't be able to run for a few days or a week. Why not? I have only been running for about a year and a half, but have had the opportunity to run in some great places - which has made my trips even more memorable!
Last summer my husband and I took our daughter and granddaughter for a weekend at a bed and breakfast and to visit some caves. Although it was a short trip, I managed to work in a much-needed run. I got up early on Sunday morning and ran before the girls even thought about crawling out of bed. Not only did it give me some time to myself, it also gave me a different view of the countryside where the B&B is located. I prefer to do out-and-back runs in unfamiliar territory; I would hate to get lost out there!
Over Labor Day weekend, my husband and I, along with my sister and her husband, met our cousins in Las Vegas for some family time (okay, and a little fun too!). I was running six days a week at that time, and didn't want to miss fours days. I was a bit leary of running in Vegas by myself, so I got online and looked for a race to run. As luck would have it (appropriate for Vegas), there was a 5k that Saturday about 15 minutes outside of the city. I signed us up! You should have seen the look on my husband's face when I told him I had found a race to run - not a look of appreciation, but rather one of I can't believe you are looking for races when we are going to Vegas for the first time! We did run the race, and it was incredible! I can still picture running along with the mountains ahead of me~breathtaking. I couldn't tell you my time in that race; that wasn't the purpose. I can tell you that it is one of my fondest memories from that trip.
I love Chicago! I spent my first eleven years about a half an hour outside of the Windy City, and I still enjoy going back for a visit. My good running friend, Kim, and I had the awesome opportunity to attend the International Reading Conference in Chicago in April. I was excited about the conference, but I was really excited about the possibility of running along Lake Michigan! That's exactly what we did our first day in the city. Our hotel was a straight shot from Navy Pier, so we ran there together, and then, since Kim is much faster than I, we separated and ran on our own. It was incredible! As I ran along, to my left was the lake, to the right was the gorgeous Chicago skyline, and straight ahead was the Field Museum of History. I was in awe. Even the brisk wind off of the lake didn't deter me from enjoying every step of my run. We were able to run twice while in Chicago (and once on the hotel treadmill, but that doesn't count!). My husband was concerned about our safety when we were out running (okay, he was concerned the whole trip), but I felt completely safe the entire time. I wouldn't go out after dark and run alone, but there were a lot of runners along the lake, and I never felt uncomfortable. One just has to be smart!
This summer my husband, daughter, and I went to Virginia Beach to visit my step-daughter and her family. The trip came up at the last minute, so our budget was tight. We stayed with our family rather than paying $200/night for an Oceanfront room on the Boardwalk, but one of my goals was to run the Boardwalk. Our first morning there we ran in our daughter's neighborhood, which was a great way to see the homes and to learn how to get around. There were runners and bikers everywhere! It was very motivating to see so many people out exercising. On Saturday morning my husband and I drove to the Boardwalk area for our run. Wow! Was it ever worth the $15 we paid just to park! There were runners everywhere. It wasn't long ago that I would have just walked along in envy as I watched the runners pass me by; now I am one of them! The ocean waves were crashing in, children were playing in the sand (or whining to their parents), a couple was getting ready to get married, another older couple was walking along with a huge parrot (that kind of freaked me out when I ran by them - couldn't you just see the headline: FEMALE RUNNER ATTACKED BY PARROT ON BOARDWALK!), and I was absorbing it all. There was so much to see that the run was almost secondary.
From now on I will make running part of my vacation experience. If that means waking before everyone else, I know that it will be worth it. I can see so much more when I run rather than just driving by in the car. I can experience the sights, sounds, and smells, greet the other runners, and get to know my surroundings. I know that being somewhere unfamiliar means that I also have to be more cognizant of my safety. I live in a small town, so when I run I don't take my phone. If something happened, someone would know who I am and whom to contact. I take my phone when I run out of town, run in busy areas and when it is light, and pay attention to who is around me. I also try to look confident and in control. Looking like a potential victim could easily make me one. I am only 5 feet tall, so I definitely don't look very intimidating!
So next time you are going out of town, whether it be for business or pleasure, try to plan some time to run. You might just be surprised at what you see and what you learn!

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