
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I have crossed the threshhold...

...into being a 'real' runner. I lost my first toenail Sunday! For those of you who are unaware, one of the pitfalls of running is toenail trouble (just ask Laura!). They can turn black from the repeated pounding and/or from wearing shoes that are not sized properly. None of mine have turned black, but one fell off, and another is on its way. I actually thought this was just a problem faced by long distance runners such as half-marathoners. Now most of you know that I am a girly-girl, and I do like a nice pedicure occasionally, so missing toenails can present a problem. Fortunately, there was a beautiful new (albeit only partially grown) nail waiting beneath the old one. On top of losing toenails to running, one of our dogs knocked a landscaping brick on one big toe, and that nail is nasty and black. I have attempted to camouflage my little problems with a lovely shade of pink polish ~ but don't try to get a closer look next time you see me!

I am almost afraid to say it, but running is going so well right now. I am no longer sore all of the time; my heals feel okay once I get going; and I actually enjoy the running part and not just the after effects. What progress! Last night Jackie and I ventured out, although rain was imminent. It was a hot day, so running in the rain sounded rather appealing. It didn't rain heavily when we ran, but the lightning got rather fierce. We were about 2 miles from our car when there was a loud clap of thunder and a creapy flash of lightning. We laughed (nervously), and kept running. Every time the sky would flash, we would just look at one another and venture on. I think that running is draining my common sense! I would never let my daughters play out in stormy weather, but there I was, running in the lightning with wet clothes on! Thank goodness I am pretty good with God right now (in my humble opinion).

Teachers returned to school today. Getting back to work will be the real test of my dedication to running. I feel that I have more energy from the continuous exercise, so I hope that I can keep it up. Fortunately my girls do not play fall or winter sports, so at least I don't have to work that into my schedule. Better get ready...we are headed out tonight.

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