
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Are You Really Going to Run in this Heat?

Although it is awfully difficult to get out the door when there are heat advisories out, I usually know that I won't regret at least getting a few miles in.  This week the heat is just miserable.  Jackie and I ran Saturday morning.  We didn't run as far as we would have liked, but it was so humid that breathing was work.  We ran 4.2 miles, and walked a mile.  We are on our feet for over 5 miles, which was good enough for us.

Sunday evening, Gary and I had friends over for seafood.  He was thrilled to be able to cook some new recipes (which were really quite impressive), and to have people here who would appreciate his efforts.  The girls and I are extremely picky, and rarely try new foods.  As we always do when having guests, we made too much.  I can never make just one dessert; there has to be a choice.  We also wanted to have a nice selection of sides, so we had plenty of food to last a couple of days.  And we have been overeating.  A lot.  I needed to get out and exercise!

I had science training in Evansville Monday and Tuesday.  Because I slept very little Sunday night, I was exhausted by the time I got home Monday.  I knew that I should get out and do something, but instead I only ventured away from the couch when I needed more cake, or had to go to the bathroom.  I felt like a stuffed toad.

After training on Tuesday, I was determined to exercise.  It was so hot, and I had just about talked myself into just running a couple miles on the treadmill, and doing TurboJam.  I hate the treadmill.  Gary had to go into town to run some errands, so I decided to just ride in with him, and try to run at the track.  That way I could keep a large bottle of water there, and I didn't have to worry about getting back to the track should the heat overtake my body.  Since my only objective was exercise and burning off some of the cake I had consumed, I alternated between running and walking so that my body could 'cool' off ocassionally.  I ran a mile, walked a lap, ran a mile, walked two laps, ran another mile.  It really worked out well.  I was hot and sweaty, but I wasn't miserable.  I really felt great when Gary came to pick me up.

Once home, I knew that I also needed some strength and ab work.  Gary bought me a kettle ball over the weekend.  In my quest to get Michelle Obama arms, I thought that this apparatus might be helpful.  It is a 12-pound kettle, which I thought was good for me.  Addison let me know that it was really light.  Not for me.  I am pretty weak, and 12 pounds is just fine.  So I did some exercises with that, and then did my trusty weighted hoola hoop to work on abs.  I like using the hoola hoop because I can watch TV while swiveling, so I don't get bored. 

My friends Kassi, Tracey, and I went to a Zumba class last week, and we plan to go back.  It is really a fun way to burn some calories.  What I really enjoy is that it doesn't matter if I don't know what I am doing; everyone is so worried about learning the moves that no one really even looks around.  Though I love running, it is also nice to have an alternative.  This morning the Today Show had a piece on Zumba Gold, which is for people over 50.  There were seniors in their 80s and 90s doing Zumba!  It was great.  They looked like they were having so much fun, kind of reliving their younger years when they danced the weekends away.  I want to be 90 and doing Zumba - well, not right now, but eventually!

My goal for the remainder of the summer is to just stay in shape.  I don't intend to improve my speed or endurance; it is just too hot for that.  As of today, I don't plan to run any races, including Schweizer Fest.  I could change my mind, but it just isn't much fun when the heat is so unbearable.  I am glad that I have some options for exercise.  I can attempt the great outdoors if I feel so inclined, or I can do Zumba, use our equipment, or use my TurboJam, Yoga, or Brazil Butt Lift DVD.  Yup, you read that last one right.  I bought that a year ago, but haven't really done it (obviously); I found it to be a little too hard. I haven't given it away yet because I would still like to be able to do at least part of the workouts.  Those darned infomercials!

Stay cool, Friends!  In no time we will be complaining because it is so cold!

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