
Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's getting late...

It is getting late, especially since I have to get up before dawn to meet Jackie at 5:00 a.m.! Anyone who knew me in my former out-of-shape life knows that I have NEVER been a morning person. I love to sleep in. I trained my children to sleep in at a young age (I am now paying for that!). Yet here I am, running at 5:00 a.m. so that I can return home in time to shower and get to school. If you know that I have not been a morning person, you also must know that I have been a vain person, and that I did not leave the house without make-up and my hair fixed. My how life has changed! You will now see me around town without make-up - and it isn't pretty! And I have been going to school with wet hair, but that is because I am in this horrible in-between stage of growing my hair out, and I am not so sure what I should do with it. I am not going to use a curling iron daily; I do know that! Anyway, real athletes don't primp! :-)

My week's been a good one! I have begun to really enjoy the longer weekend runs. I say longer, but do not assume that the runs are marathon, or even half-marathon length. I was proud that my niece and I ran 5.8 miles Saturday - until I learned that my friend Wes (who had placed 2nd in a triathlon on Saturday) ran 18 miles on Sunday morning!! I cannot even imagine being able to withstand that many miles of abusing my legs! I am so impressed with what he has managed to accomplish (and he is older than I!). Anyway, Jackie and I also ran Monday and Tuesday morning, and then again on Wednesday evening. We decided to make Thursday our 'off' day, so I just did TurboJam tonight. I hadn't done the weights in over a month, so it was tougher than I had expected. Jackie and I will run 4 miles tomorrow morning, and then Saturday Erin and I will run. I would like to attempt 7 miles, but my body might not agree. I have decided that Saturdays will be the day that I really push to try to go further, faster, or both. Twice this week I have come home from a run and run another mile on our road just for some speed work. Of course, two of the dogs like to tag along, and they manage to run right in front of me, sometimes tripping me. And then there are the potholes to avoid as well as the large rocks. With my luck, after all of this work to learn to run I will end up breaking a leg in my drive!

That's it for now. I am going to crawl into bed, set my alarm, and dream of winning a 5K ~ hey! I can dream! It might just be a senior 5K!!

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