
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Think what you want...

People have many opinions about psychics; there really doesn't seem to be an in-between view.  Either we believe or we don't.  I believe that there are a lot of fakes out there who take advantage of our weaknesses, but I also believe that there are those who have a gift to see or hear that which the rest of us cannot.  Several years ago one of my friends and I became very intrigued by John Edward.  I would watch his show, wondering if it would be possible to connect with my father. 

I have several friends who have been to psychics, and most have had positive experiences.  Last week I had the opportunity to meet with Rick Hayes, a psychic medium from Jasper.  My goal was to connnect with my father, and possibly with my nephew.  I was very open to the experience, as I have always believed that my father is still present in my life.  I was not nervous or frightened in the least.  Rick immediately made me feel comfortable, and my session with him was very comforting.

The moment I sat down, he began to talk about my grandmother, and then my father.  I was careful to not lead his observations.  I have to say, most of the information he gave me he could not have researched or even guessed.  The best example is rather strange.  We were talking about my nephew, and Rick said that he kept hearing the word 'butter'.  He said it made no sense; he had no idea why he kept getting that word from Stephen.  I knew.  The previous night, Gary, Addison, and I were sitting in the living room, and Addison randomly started a conversation about...butter!  She said that when she just thinks about butter by itself, it is really nasty, but it is so good on things.  Gary teased her saying, "Yeah, Add, I just sit around thinking about butter!"  I reminded her how she used to take butter packets from McDonalds when she was a toddler.  We literally had a whole conversation about butter.  I discussed it with no one else, so when Rick brought up butter, I was convinced that he was the real deal.  He said that that was Stephen's way of letting me know he was around.  I could just hear Stephen giving us a hard time about talking about something as mundane as butter!

Rick also brought up the fact that I had had a wreck, and that I really damaged the vehicle.  I totaled my step-dad's truck when I was 16.  My friends who were there didn't even know about that.  He told me that Dad wanted me to know that I wasn't lucky, I was protected.    He also described some things in my house that were right on, like the messy counter, the scented candles that I burn, and the shoes that aren't put away.  He said that was dad's way of letting me know that he was present in our daily lives.  

One of the most meaningful observations Rick made concerned Addison.  She is very musical, and spends a great deal of her time teaching herself to play the piano.  Coming from a musical family, I appreciate her diligence and patience.  Because my father was a musician, I always felt that she had his talent.  Rick said that my dad is helping her learn the piano.  He said Dad guides her hands, and that she can truly hear the tunes and process them because he helps her.  Addison has several pieces of music that my dad wrote, and Rick said there is one piece with my dad's handwriting on it that my dad wants her to learn.  I have that piece.  Addison thought it was pretty neat that her grandfather, whom she has never met, is like her musical angel. 

My session was 55 minutes, and I recorded it.  There is much more that he said, but those are the highlights.  I found the meeting very peaceful.  My friend Kim thought I would be an emotional wreck (I am pretty emotional, so I thought I would be, too), but I told her that I just found so much peace in knowing that though our loved ones move on, they are still present in our lives.  I cannot wait to go back. 

I told my mother about my experience, and she gave me the expected skeptical responses, but as I continued to share what I had learned, she began to ask more about what he said.  I believe that God gives all of us gifts, and the He gives some the gift of seeing and hearing those who have moved on so that they can bring comfort to the grieving.  I have a very strong faith, and if anything, meeting with Rick just increased that faith. 

So think what you want; I choose to believe that I was able to connect.  That makes me happy!

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