
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where's the snow?

I guess the East Coast is hogging all of the snow! I don't want as much as they are predicted to receive, but a little bit would certainly help me feel more 'Christmasy'. I had planned a nice run in the snow this morning, but instead - facing a dreary day - decided to do my TurboJam weight workout. I considered running a couple of miles on the treadmill, but decided to reserve that energy because Erin and I plan to run at least 8 miles tomorrow evening. Okay, I say plan, but I am actually praying that I can make it! It won't even be a challenge for my young niece, but she will have to drag her old aunt along!

Wednesday evenings, Jackie and I run 6 miles while her boys are in religion. We normally have a pretty good run. Since Erin is home for Christmas break, she joined us this week. We really had a fun run (I never thought those words would come out of me!). It was only about 22 degrees, but after about a mile we were all warmed up. Having Christmas lights to look at (and critique) made the run seem quick, and Erin makes it all seem so effortless, so Jackie and I didn't dare complain! Of course, we did take any opportunity to remind Erin that we both have 20+ years on her!

This afternoon Addison has her violin party in Owensboro. She must be resting up because it's 10:45 and she is still in bed! Tomorrow she has her band Christmas concert. We also plan to attend church at Owensboro Christian in the morning, so our weekend is pretty full. O'boro Christian is a large non-denominational church that we attended when the girls were little, and my mom and step-dad still attend. I absolutely love the church; their services are so uplifting and the music is incredible. It just became impractical to attend there weekly. Once in a while I feel the need to experience a service there, and the girls love going and actually get something out of it, so tomorrow is our day.

As I ponder the upcoming year, I continue to pray that I stick with my running and exercise. I have already lasted longer than I had with any other type of physical activity. I have to have goals to keep me motivated, and my first goal of the new year is to complete a 10K (6.2 miles). I run that distance regularly, but it is really different to run it in a race. When I run here in town, I know the course, and there is something to be said for the familiarity. Running a new course makes it seem longer to me. I hope to then complete a 10-miler with Erin. Yesterday morning it was difficult just to run 4, and 10 miles seemed impossible. Other days when I have a particularly good run, I know that I can handle it. Once I cross the finish line of a 10-miler, I don't really know what will be next. The next natural step would be to run a half marathon, but I can't really say that I am quite that dedicated. Thirteen miles is a long way to run! I might just stick to the shorter races, and try to improve my times.

I am reading a book that just has short stories of how running has changed people's lives. Reading it has caused me to consider how running has changed my life. Obviously, I am healthier. I have lost 10 pounds; my cholesterol level is relatively normal (high cholesterol is in my family); I can take a flight of stairs without getting short of breath. There are other non-health benefits as well. I feel more confident in myself. Because I have met this challenge and run further than I ever dreamed possible, I am ready to tackle other challenges that might come my way. For the first time ever, I am comfortable with my body. Sure, I am still after 'Michelle Obama' arms, but I no longer dwell on what I don't have, and am just glad that this 42-year-old body can run and stay active. I don't really care what others think; I know that my muscles have not let me down! They might rebel in pain sometimes, but they never fail to move. I also feel less stressed - or at least if I am feeling stressed I know that I can hit the pavement and will feel better. Running has given my husband and me something else that we enjoy together. Going to races, knowing that he is also there to run and to support me, has been a blessing (and we have quite the collection of race t-shirts!). Running has also given Erin and me a common tie. I have truly enjoyed spending time with her. And, although Jackie and I have been friends for many years, she and I have become even closer through our running. We listen to one another complain about every little ache, and encourage each other to keep going. Neither of us were ever athletes - but we are now!!

Now move that body...

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