
Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm Back...or at Least Close!

I can't believe I have waited so long to write, but life has been busy! I am in much better spirits than the last few posts. I promise not to whine this time!

So...the hip. It is much better! Not 100%, but getting there. I have been to the chiropractor three times, and I must say, it is working. The first time I got out to run, I just ran 2 miles; that was 2 weeks ago. Wednesday I ran 6 miles, and Saturday I managed 6 again!!! I feel like I am moving slower, but I don't care, as long as I am moving! I still intend to run a 5-mile race on November 22, so I have to keep on training. I won't plan to break any records; I truly just want to finish without walking. That race will be a good indicator of whether or not I should attempt a 10K.

I have learned that exercising, in my case running, is really addictive. I had thought that it was, but hadn't stopped long enough to see how it would affect me. When I was forced to stop, it just wasn't pretty. I became very irritable (my husband will confirm that). I couldn't really explain it; I was just depressed. I worried that I would gain back the weight that I had worked so hard to lose, and, of course, I was home more, so I ate everything in sight. I missed the routine that I had gotten into - it made me feel worthless. I knew in my head that I was being unreasonable, but I just couldn't get past it. Thank goodness that I went to Dr. Gladish, and I am able to run again, and that it didn't take too long.

Do you watch The Biggest Loser? Although that female trainer scares me, I continue to watch. I think how overwhelming it would be for those amazing contestants to take on such a huge challenge, and I feel very blessed. I wonder how the weight gets so out of control, but I also know that heredity plays a role. My mother and sister are both small, but they both exercise and watch what they eat. My mother is 76 and very conscious of everything she eats. I have told her that by that point in my life, I really just want to eat whatever I want!

That's it for on!

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