
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Running isn't always fun

Despite my desire to stay in shape, I am finding it increasingly difficult to remain dedicated, especially to running. This morning I got up and went to town at 7:30 to run before Morgan and I played tennis. I have been running in the evening, so I wanted to see if I could run in the morning. I managed to run 2 miles (though I had been running 3 in the evening), but the whole time I just couldn't wait to be finished. After three months of running, I would have expected it to get easier, but it is still such an effort. I really enjoy biking, playing tennis, and doing the TurboJam workout, but I just don't like running. So, why am I doing it? What am I trying to prove?

I keep thinking that it will become easier if I just stick with it. When I finish a run, I feel exhilerated and proud that I have accomplished something. Right now, that's what is getting me through. It is also great for burning calories and building leg muscles. It's a great cardio workout. I know all of this, but as I run I am thinking I hate this. How healthy is that? Today as I ran I was thinking about stopping running, and just sticking with the other activities, but I know that I will try again. I still haven't mailed my entry for the 5K that is in 2 weeks; I just don't know if I can do it.

After running, Morgan and I decided that the courts were too wet for tennis, so we did TurboJam together. It is a dreary old day, so since that time I have dozed on and off, and finished some reading for my classes. Now I am supposed to be working on assignments, but am blogging instead.

I have started to keep a small journal of my exercise and what I eat for the day. Nothing much, I just purchased a small notebook from a dollar store, and make notes each day. I think that if I have to write down everything I eat, I will be more accountable.

That's it for today...homework is calling.

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