
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Busy Summer

I can't believe that it has been a week since I have blogged! So much has happened, and not all of it is good. Last week my middle daughter accidentally backed over one of our dogs. I honestly didn't think the dog, Gracie, would live. She stayed at the vet's for a week, and we brought her home Monday. Her back legs are paralyzed, but the vet is not certain that it is permanent. I must say, it certainly seems to be. She has no movement in them at all. We carry her outside, but then she can pull herself around with her front paws. It is very sad to watch.

My oldest daughter lost her job, just two weeks after purchasing her car (that I co-signed for). The company she worked for has a reputation for firing; their turn-around rate is quite high. Morgan wants to move to Nashville, so this might just be the motivation she needs to get moving.'s still going well. There was a point about a week or two ago that I just wanted to quit running. It wasn't getting any easier, and I was tired (it doesn't help that it is still early in the summer, and it is in the 90s already!). It has gotten much better. Sunday night I pushed it and ran 4 miles, and last night I ran 4 1/2 miles!! If someone had told me a year ago that I would be able to run that far, I would have never believed it. By gradually building up, I am able to go further. My husband has run 3 miles the last two times we went out. This Saturday is my first 5K run in Jasper, IN. I am nervous because I don't really run hills, and I know the course has some. I am just going to go up there and run. I don't intend to place, but I hope I don't get beat by an 80 year old man!

One thing about running that was bothering me was that I couldn't just relax and think about other things. I would dwell on every ache or on how much further I had to go. I am beginning to be able to just get into a pace and think about other things - but I do go back to thinking about how hard it is. I used to walk a lot, and I really enjoyed being able to just have the solitude to think. I hope that I get to that point with running.

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