
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another 5K completed!

I can't believe that it has been two weeks since I have had time to write! Although we have had an extra child for the past two weeks, and I am finishing up my master's courses, so it isn't like I have been on the couch watching Oprah every day. The good news is that I am still running, and beginning to enjoy it a little more - some days more than others!

After running in the Jasper 5K, I realized that I really needed to work on running hills, so I began to lumber up Mozart Street. I ran it several times the past 2 weeks, and I hated every second of it - that is until I reached the top and thought of the ground that I had covered. Now each time I drive on Mozart, I think I can run this!

One of my best friends, Jackie, has started running, so I have to take a moment to brag on her accomplishments...She is 45 and the mom of three boys; that's exercise in itself! Two weeks ago we ran together for the first time. Her goal is to complete our Schweizer Fest 2-mile run, so we began to work on that. That first evening, she said she just could not get past 1 1/2 miles, so once we hit that mark, she wanted to walk. We did, and then we ran a bit more. Fast forward 2 weeks...Sunday night we ran 3 1/2 miles together! Once she started increasing, she just kept going. I am so happy for her because I know how tough it is, and how easy it would be to give up - especially at our age! Needless to say, 2 miles will be a breeze for her now. I am glad to have someone to run with; it makes the time pass more quickly! I am also happy to be able to encourage her because two of my runner friends, Kim and Laura, have been huge motivators for me. Of course, if Jackie keeps improving at that pace, she will be the one pushing me to go further!

So, about the husband and I ran a 5K in Owensboro Saturday evening. It was his first, but since I had already run one, I was an old pro! After running a little too much last week, I had a sore foot, so I wasn't sure that running was the smartest move, but I wasn't about to back out. The evening started out great! As soon as we got to the event, a health fair was finishing up. Some really nice man told us we needed to sign up for a drawing, as he was about to take the box away. My husband, daughter, granddaughter, and I all signed our entries, and when we just finished stuffing in the final one, he took the box and began to draw. The first prize was $100 - he pulled out my name! I don't usually win anything, so I was thrilled. Everyone else in my family won towels. Our granddaughter, Vika, tried to convince me to trade, but to no avail.

After the fair, the girls walked in a 2K fitness walk. It was a good experience for both of them. Next was the 5K. There were about 320 runners. I was pretty happy it was an evening run because I have a lot more energy in the evening. I managed to run the whole time (at my snail pace), as did my husband. We did not run together, but knowing that he was there also participating was really great. Passing people was even greater! I am trying not to be competitive, but I just am. I will never compete with real runners who run 6 or 7 minute miles, but I want to beat someone - even if it's the young mom pushing triplets in a stroller! As I was running at the end of the route, I heard the girls yelling for me. What a feeling! I have spent the last 20 years yelling for my kids as they compete, so it was wonderful to hear them returning the favor! I beat my time from the last 5K, so I was ecstatic. I think a big part of that was that this course was completely flat (yeah!), and the Jasper course was incredibly hilly. After crossing the finish line and having my computer chip removed (those are cool), I grabbed a roll and a banana. It's amazing how good bananas are after running! The girls and I waited for my husband to complete his first ever race. He also crossed that almighty finish line quicker than he had anticipated, so it was a good night. My stats: I was 9 out of 18 in the 40-44 women; 63 out of 180 women in all (that's almost the top third!!!); and my pace time (that's the time for each mile) was 10:04. I had previously been running 11 minute miles, so I was excited. My goal for the next race is to get below 10 minute miles. It might not sound like much, but knocking off those seconds is hard! I have to say that this race was much more fun than the Jasper race. There were big corporate sponsors, and they had a lot going on. One thing I love about the races is that it really doesn't matter where one finishes, everyone cheers and is so supportive. We watched the end of the 10K race, and when the last runner, a lady, came in the stadium, everyone cheered for her! How awesome is that??

And so I am praying that my foot begins to feel better so that I can get out there and really run. I have run, but am taking it easier. Walking all over Nashville in sandals yesterday didn't help a bit!

Debbie, if you are reading this, THANKS!!! I thought Gary was the only one who read it!

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